Programmer Analyst
Dvlp 3-tier modules/COM+ w/ Visual Studio.NET, XML, script languages; Dvlp entrprs applctn w/ Java, EJB, JSP, Struts, Servlets, JMS, XSL, XSLT, J2EE, Visual Studio ASP, VB Script, Java Script; Implmnt frmwrk of online financl web applctns w/ SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 dtbss; Tst info cllctng/trnsfrrng sftwr systms w/ knwldge in embedded pltfrms, TCP/IP, FTP prtcls, Win CE Toolkits; Maintain vrsn cntrl of Source Code & prjct dcmnts w/ Visual Source Safe, PVCS Dimensions, CVS. Req: BS eqvlnt in CS + 5 yrs exp. Resume: Globaldata Management Corp, 1001 Ave of the Americas, #419, New York, NY 10018.
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